M·CAM | M-CAM President Quoted In Wall Street Journal Discussing Google/Oracle Patent Lawsuit
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M-CAM President Quoted In Wall Street Journal Discussing Google/Oracle Patent Lawsuit

Date:  Tue, 2012-04-17

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA- April 16, 2012- M-CAM Inc President was quoted in the Wall Street Journal discussing the Google v. Oracle Patent Lawsuit.

“David Pratt, the president of patent analysis firm M-Cam Inc., says the patent’s impending expiration is irrelevant to the trial, because the only time period that matters is that between when Google was notified it might be infringing and the present.

More important, Mr. Pratt says, several technology giants including Microsoft Corp. MSFT +1.18% and International Business Machines Corp. IBM +1.53% are likely taking a keen interest in the trial. That is because those companies have patents similar to those being asserted by Oracle, and therefore are likely interested in how much value Oracle can wring from them in court.

“It’s a benchmarking process,” Mr. Pratt says.”

To Read The Entire Article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405270230435660457734214356466324…

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