M·CAM | Dr. David Martin Featured on NPR Discussing Samsung v. Apple Patent War
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Dr. David Martin Featured on NPR Discussing Samsung v. Apple Patent War

Date:  Mon, 2012-07-30

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA- Dr. David Martin discussed the Samsung v. Apple Patent War this morning on NPR.

“Other critics say that even if Apple did it all best, it wasn’t even the first to get a patent on these designs. David Martin, the chairman of M-Cam, a company that evaluates the value of patents, says the difference between the emotional response that says these technologies look alike and the actual construction of the patent law are two different things.

“That line has been entirely blurred,” Martin says.”

To listen to the entire interview: http://www.npr.org/2012/07/30/157571532/samsung-fight-among-many-in-appl…

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