M·CAM | M·CAM Index spotlight: Why Innovative Firms Do Better for Investors
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M·CAM Index spotlight: Why Innovative Firms Do Better for Investors

Ataman Ozyildirim, The Conference Board’s Senior Director of Economics and Chair of Global Research published an op-ed today about our their Innovation Indexes, powered by M·CAM.

What keeps business leaders up at night?
In a recent global survey, CEOs rank creating more innovative cultures as their third biggest internal challenge for 2020. Creating new business models comes in second. And attracting and retaining top talent – a key driver of innovation – takes the top spot.

Even though innovation is so important, there’s little agreement – and lots of confusion – on how to measure it. That comes as no surprise, given the complexity of innovation. It is often very intangible.

But some tangible signs of innovation can be measured. Take intellectual property, for example, which receives protection from patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Read the full article here

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